
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need therapy? What does the therapeutic process consist of? These and some other questions are the ones that we ask ourselves before going to a psychology professional. Here you can find answers for a few of them.

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Consultation: Why you should

The growing presence of the mental health area, is traduced as an increase of people who want to fight against their ghosts; searching for a better quality of life. However, when we are facing the unknown, it is natural that certain doubts assail us.

Make them clearer by reading more.

The Therapist Choice

Whether it is your first time or not, it may be difficult for anyone to decide in the hands of whom to place your trust. Here you have keys to keep in mind to choose the appropriate clinical psychology professional.

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Post Confinement Sport

The confinement stage has left behind not only psychological, but also obvious physical consequences. Before recovering your usual sports practice, no matter how little, you must take into account a few factors.

If you are interested, read more about.

Mindfulness manifesto

We hear a lot about this practice and more and more people are benefiting from it. But… What is it exactly? And, why incorporate it into our daily life?

I explain how you could apply it by reading more.

The five Wounds of Childhood

The development of our childhood conditions the formation of our personality and our relationships in adult life. Knowing our wounds will help to heal our past to embrace our present.

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